Your support helps us continue serving, growing, and creating a welcoming space for all. 100% of donations go directly to the faith community for worship, music and mission efforts. Most of our membership does not tithe but make regular gifts.
Please make checks payable to The Palisades Community Church send to:
The Palisades Community Church
5200 Cathedral Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Mission organizatons we support:
SOME (So Others Might Eat)
Friendship Place
House of Ruth
Fisher Houses
Eternity Garden
Do you have someone you would like to honor or remember? Check out our Eternity Garden in the front of the education building. The Palisades Community Church maintains an ongoing Eternity Garden fundraiser that allows supporters to purchase engraved bricks for our outdoor memory landscape. Your engraved brick will be implanted on our outdoor garden which is located near our front entrance. Please contact us to obtain an Eternity Garden donation form if you would like to purchase an engraved brick for the eternity garden.